
Alter: 14 Jahre alt
Heimat: Deutschland
Mit GLS in: Großbritannien: York
Mitglied seit: 12.01.2025
Sleepyleonie eine Nachricht senden
Deine Hobbies? I like to draw, I´m not that good, but I enjoy it.
I play hockey with friends and family.
Untill recently I also rode horse.
And I like to wacht movies or/and series.

I love meeting my friends or/and making new friends. Sometimes I´m a little shy, but once you really get to know me, I´m very open.
I like to go into fresh air and try some new thinks.

Deine Sprachen? My native languages are German and Polish. I live in Germany.
I learn English and Spanish from school.
Dein bevorzugter Platz? I´m not sure if I understand the question right.
I would like to live in England or somewhere in a small quiet village.
Dein Traumjob? I don´t know what my dream job is. I thinl somethink with animals would be nice and funny, but also somethink medical.
Maybe I´ll learn a job that I don´t know, ... who knows?
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